Sometimes you need to tweak the default field sizes to make RTA and Genesys work together. For example, the default Agent ACD Login field is 10 characters in both RTA and Gplus, and this generally works for Voice Only installations where you can use the Agent Login (or ACD ID) – after all, most extensions…
Category: My Job
Aspect RTA Simulator – or how to debug the Gplus RTA Feed in C#
There are going to be several posts about the GPlus Adapter for Aspect WFM, but this one has saved me the most time so far. In attempting to debug the RTA feed at a client site, in which I had no access to the Aspect RTA console, I came up with a little application to…
One Approach to SDLC
Computer terms come and go everyday. It seems that as soon as you learn one process, another “New and Improved” process comes along! And of course, they’re TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms) or more. I want to step back a bit and talk about one that should stick around for a while. SDLC (or Software Development…
How to access the chat transcript using the Genesys PSDK 8.5 Genesys stores the chat transcript in the UCS database in XML format, so the easiest way to get it is simply read the database, right? Wrong! If you want access to User Data or other info stored with the transcript, you have to use…